Christopher Payne’s seminal work, Nineteenth Century European Furniture, first published with the Antique Collectors’ Club in 1981, is being re-edited with over 300 new colour photographs for publication in 2012-2013.
The work has been in steady demand over the last thirty years and is constantly used as the standard reference book by auction houses, dealers and specialists throughout the world. To enhance the new anniversary edition, Christie’s have generously supplied three hundred new colour images to add to the diverse collection of photographs from countries across Europe.
Future Plans
In writing François Linke 1855 – 1946 The Belle Epoque of French Furniture, Christopher was researching the work of Linke’s contemporaries, notably Zwiener, Dasson and Beurdeley amongst others. Although there have been publications in this area in recent years, they have not been comprehensive enough, leaving almost as many questions unanswered as problems solved. My work will continue with a view to publishing on this fascinating group of cabinetmakers in the future. In the meantime I am researching the late nineteenth century more thoroughly with a view to a new publication to be announced in due course.
Work on the Linke Archive is continuing with the long term aim of providing a comprehensive research facility – see ‘Linke Archive‘.